Mobile Acupuncture Service
Acupuncture is a treatment that has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years to help promote balance within the body. In Chinese medicine, our life force is our qi. Our qi courses through the meridians of the body. In health, there is a smooth flow of qi. Where there is pain or dysfunction, the qi can be come stagnant. By using fine, thin needles, acupoints can be stimulated that help restore the smooth flow of qi. These acupoints are located around areas of free nerve endings, arterioles, and immune cells. Stimulation of these acupoints produces a therapeutic response, namely the release of beta-endorphins, serotonin and other neurotransmitters.
By using the five element method, and principles of yin and yang, a pattern diagnosis can be determined. The TCVM exam includes palpating the pulses and assessing the tongue. Acupoints are then selected based on these findings.
Acupuncture may help treat:
· Neurological disorders such as intervertebral disk disease, paralysis, nerve injuries, fibrocartaliginous embolism, Wobbler’s disease, seizures
· Musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, muscle strain
· Gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, appetite loss, nausea
· Respiratory disorders such as cough, asthma and sinusitis
· Skin disorders such as allergies, pruritus, lick granulomas, slow-healing wounds, anhidrosis (non-sweating) in horses
· Urinary tract disorders such as incontinence, kidney disease
· Systemic disorders such as liver disease, Cushing’s disease, Addison’s disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease
· Behavior problems such as separation anxiety, thunderstorm phobia, inappropriate soiling/spraying
· Quality of life improvement for geriatric pets and cancer patients
Initial Consultation – $225
60-90 minutes
Exam (required)
TCVM exam
Acupuncture Session
Herbal Recommendations
Diet Recommendations
Recommended follow-up 1-2 weeks
Follow-Up Visits
$150 Per Session
$400 for 3 session package*
30-45 minutes
Acupuncture Session
Herbal Recommendations
Sessions are scheduled 1-2 weeks apart, a minimum of 3 sessions recommended
Future visits will be tailored based on pet’s condition and response to treatment
Please allow a 30 minute estimated time of arrival window
For equine appointments, please bathe your horse prior to the appointment
Service Range is 20 miles from Port Saint Lucie – additional travel fee may apply for further locations
* Sessions must be used within 4 months of purchase