Herbal Therapies
Chinese herbal medicine is another branch of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. After determining a patient’s TCVM pattern diagnosis, Chinese herbs can be prescribed to help restore balance within the body. These herbs can support the effects of our acupuncture treatment and support the body’s ability to heal itself. Each herb is classified based on its properties, such as taste, temperature and the part of the body it affects. Herbs can be warming or cooling. Chinese herbs are generally considered safe with few side effects. In most cases, Chinese herbs may be used in conjunction with pharmaceuticals. Herbal formulas may replace drugs that have higher risks or side effects with prolonged use. Herbal formulas may also treat a disease process that is no longer responding to pharmaceuticals.
Chinese herbs can be used as a natural adjunctive treatment for arthritis, immune support, non-sweating in horses, skin conditions, gastrointestinal issues, and renal disease.
We use herbs that are produced by Jing Tang, a reputable source of herbal medication.